Ufi Ibrahim
Founder and Chief Executive
Energy and Environment Alliance
Ufi Ibrahim is Founder and Chief Executive of the Energy and Environment Alliance, a global coalition of hospitality leaders driving transformative and sustainable change across the industry. Leveraging the collective impact and influence of multi-stakeholder partners, the Alliance is building the first global, scientifically robust standard for sustainable building management in hospitality, the implementation of new technologies and facilitation of net-zero-carbon energy.
As Chief Executive of the British Hospitality Association (BHA) 2010 to 2018, Ufi reshaped and reformed the organisation from the ground up, building significant financial and commercial success. She led the BHA merger with the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers, creating UK Hospitality to wield powerful commercial and political connections. Ufi also shaped the UK Tourism Industry Group, a Government led Advisory Board for the industry and delivered ground-breaking campaigns, such as the Big Hospitality Conservation, which engaged over 4,000 businesses and government to create 67,000 new jobs and apprenticeships for under 25s across the UK.
At the World Travel & Tourism Council, where Ufi was Chief Operating Officer between 2000 and 2010, she supervised the formulation of the International Competitiveness Monitor for Travel and Tourism. This defined a benchmark for policy makers and is now operated by the World Economic Forum. Under the auspices of the WTTC and UNFCCC in 2009 she led the industry’s first global commitment to cut carbon emissions by 50% by 2035.
Ufi is a commissioner of the Food Farming and Countryside Commission, overseeing executive and legislative issues of the future of UK food, farming and the countryside. Negotiating with authorities and legislative bodies to address environmental impacts, changing economic climate and dietary trends, health and safety, funding to remaining relevant within a highly volatile and competitive global market. Ufi also chairs the UK All Party Parliamentary Group for Tourism based in Westminster, focused on working with the Government to enhance UK’s tourism proposition to international tourism investors.